Wicked Machine

I, for one, welcome our new black Muslim overlords.

Sunday, August 03, 2003

One less thing to do before I die

So we went out for karaoke tonight. What a blast! I had a feeling it could be detached ironic fun, but I didn't know it could be actual fun!

My friend Jennifer did that Evanescence song, which is (sorry to say) a profoundly shitty song. But for what it's worth, she sounded really good singing it. She's got a band that she's putting together (they don't have a name yet, which is a situation I feel compelled to rectify), and it should be good, judging by her karaoke voice.

I did With or Without You by U2. Lemme tell you, I was so all over the map vocally that a GPS couldn't find the key I was in. I started pretty shaky, so I made sure to throw in some Bono moves and falsettos to at least make it look fun. By about the middle of the song ("And you giiiiiiiive yourself awaaay"), I realized that I ain't no Bono, and I'm only a so-so caricature, so I settled for singing loud to cover my vocal imperfections. This is the key, I think, to faking it. If you can't be good, be loud. It's the Spinal Tap principle.

It didn't take long to get into it. By the end, I had the Bono pose and everything. I hear I was actually on key on the "hoo-ooo-ooo ooo" part at the end. I even threw in some political talk during the solo. Awesome night. I WILL be hitting Pickwick's again.


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