Extra Credit
I've started what I hope will be a recurring...feature?...over at Circvs Maximvs. I call it "Homework". YES, I have ripped off Fight Club. YES, I have taken my pomposity and eagerness for self-promotion to Trump-ian heights. So go look now.
My goal is to create a new assignment every week. Some might be photos, some might be compositions, some might be unholy experiments performed in stormwracked castles on lonely peaks by desperate madmen. The public front is that it's a community-building exercise to spread rep around, but really it's just an excuse for me to soak up reputation and sweet, sweet denarii.
If you haven't signed up yet at the Circvs, do it pronto. I opened a little half-assed messageboard here, but have quickly dropped it because CM is pretty much what I wanted to do in the first place. While it is run off of EN World's servers and there is a gaming talk forum, it's really more of a catch-all forum than ENW. I'm digging it a lot.
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