Wicked Machine

I, for one, welcome our new black Muslim overlords.

Monday, September 19, 2005

More Shameless Pimping

Newest performance clips of my brother Seth are now up here. He and his fellow guitar students performed at Cue in Concord last Friday. His performance was much better than my exhausted-after-9 hour-workday camerawork on "Under the Bridge", but my mom made up for my shakycam by shooting his screaming guitar on "Losfer Words". So right-click-save away!

Losfer Words.

Incidentally, I saw Arcade Fire at the Warfield last night. A. Maz. Ing. If they come through your town, do your patriotic chore and beg, borrow or steal tickets. If you've gotta trade sexual favors to get in, do it with a smile on your face, because you will be trading your ass for possibly the best concert ever seen. They've got guys beating on helmets on their heads for percussion, guys annoying other people in the band by dangling cloths on their faces, they jump down in the crowd and play, and they also happen to completely rock. Las Vegas with your pants off isn't this much fun.

EDIT: I have temporarily taken down "Under the Bridge" due to some playback issues. Hopefully I will have this ironed out in a few days.


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