Wicked Machine

I, for one, welcome our new black Muslim overlords.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

I been distracticated

I'll be real here: my mind has not been in a blogging kind of place this last month. Directly after the election it was in a "crawl into a cryo-tube for the next four years" kind of place, which led directly to the "refusing to leave the house whilst curling into a ball" frame of mind. So I just sorta dropped out for a bit. But don't fear, I've been keeping myself entertained. Here's what's had a hold on my brain banana lately:

  1. Netflix. I watched the Dawn of the Dead remake, some Buffy episodes, Sealab 2021, and Kentucky Fried Movie. I think I'm becoming a zombie movie fan. This surprises me as much as it does you, no doubt.
  2. That new U2 album. It's really good. My mom bought two copies at 8 AM on release day and met me in a parking lot on my way to work to give me mine. To non-existant bystanders it would have looked like a really sad drug deal. So anyway, Bono sings some songs about God on this album, kind of a change of pace. Bono sings about Jesus the way Hunter S. Thompson writes about bad trips; I don't really want to try either one, but I get off on them getting off on it.
  3. "Lost". Hmm, title doesn't really jump out when I write it like that. How about, FUCKING "LOST" ON A-B-FUCKING-C. Here's all I know about the show's creator, J.J. Abrams: I watched one sucky episode of "Alias" once. I watched "Felicity" because it was the ironic, postmodern thing to do and I could laugh at its soap opera absurdity and oh god I'm so full of shit I'm drowning in it and Keri Russell's hair from the first season should be in the Smithsonian and I think I'm a little queer. And he's a kinghell TV genius. "Lost" is like having a gorgeous call girl slowly shoot high-grade heroin into you over the course of a long weekend, only it's broadcast in HD so it's really much better than that.
  4. Thanksgiving. The high king of holidays. I haven't had turkey with my dad's family in a long time (generally eschewing it in favor of my mom's BBQ turkey, which is the greatest thing ever cooked), but I'm glad I went. The turkey was decent, the pie was great, and the company, well, what can you say about the Gerrys that hasn't already been said in cautionary tales told to frighten children since the dawn of the atomic age? We ate ourselves stupid and then sang Johnny Cash songs. Maybe I'll put up the video someday.


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